Monday, March 7, 2011

At the courthouse

 Today was the day Lucie and I went to the courthouse as witnesses against a prisoner. As we walked in through the doors of the courtroom, Lucie and I could hear a wind of whispers throughout the whole courtroom. We were a little uncomfortable at first, but we soon realized it was just people wanting to know who we were and why we were there and what connection we had to the hearing. Apparently, a man named Charles Darnay was found guilty of giving secret information to the king of France, Louis XVI. The information was that England plans to send armed forces to fight in the American colonies. The prosecutors asked Lucie if she knows Mr Charles Darnay and Lucie said she had met him on a ship back to England. When I was called to the stand, I had said that I remember nothing due to my illness on the ship. I was a little confused, as not remembering very much is bothersome and I was trying to remember but couldn’t. I do not like looking back at my past, but that was a little part of my past that i needed to remember. As we were leaving the courtroom, Mr. Charles Darnay caught my daughter’s attention and he gently grabbed Lucie’s hand and kissed it.

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